Access to the RBO Register has been restored to Designated Persons, as defined by Section 25 of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010, as amended by the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing)(Amendment) Act 2018, pending receipt of the BEN3A1 Designated Persons Administration Declaration form. (provided below)
The RBO will require a master account to act as an administrator account, and access to your teams will be provided by sub accounts to that main account.
For the RBO to provide access to the master account you will need to:
- appoint an authorised administrator on the attached BEN3A1 DP Admin Declaration Form,
- provide details of authorised users using the Sub User Template below.*
* the completed template does not have to be completed at the same time as the Admin Declaration Form.
The link to the BEN3A1 Administration Form is fillable online and available here
Please complete and return the Admin Declaration Form and you will be notified when access to the RBO Reports is granted to the ‘master’ account.
Access for your teams can be requested by the Admin on the ‘master’ account completing and returning the Sub User Template